Radio Club - Sign up
Already a student?
Please login before you sign up below (same login details as you use for the LMS). If you’ve forgotten your password click on ‘Lost your password?’ link below the Log In button.
Weekly Subscription
Sign up for €5 per week, a recurring weekly payment which you can cancel anytime in the ‘My Account’ section. Go HERE to see details of the Club.
Annual Subscription
Sign up for an annual recurring subscription of €230 for 12 months, which you can cancel anytime in the ‘My Account’ section. Go HERE to see details of the Club.
Radio Club - Details
RadioClub. The post graduate club for students looking to advance their knowledge of Radio both in front of and behind the microphone. You will add presentation of Live Remote shows (a new technology) to your learning alongside access to member exclusive In Studio shows and you get a chance to help run your very own Radio Station. You will get:
- 1 hour show per week on radio station (RVT and Live Remote – NEW)
- Access to Live Studio shows (from June 22)
RadioClub will take over the running of Rewind and control the programming. Members can (optionally) choose to help schedule and choose the music, do specialist shows, content, production and social media. If you want to understand and participate in all aspects of a Radio Station this is your chance.
Members will get:
4 half day modules (a €200 value) on the following:
- Music scheduling and management for Radio
- Production for Radio
- Social Media and Marketing for Radio
- Live Remote presentation for Radio
After the modules you can:
- Have optional participation in the following teams:
- Music and Programming
- Content Production
- Social and Marketing
(members will run these teams in assoc. with RadioHub)
Members will also get:
- Free access to all Guest Speaker Q+A Sessions (Industry chats) – 6 per year
- Participation in a Christmas FM production project
- Invitation to apply for Christmas FM Classical and Classics
All the above are included in the membership fee.
€5 per week or €230 per year
You will also get
- Access to One to One mentoring (not included in fee)
- Included in our ‘Student Demo’ website which we will circulate to all programmers in Ireland (late 22)
- 20% off any online course for you or a friend